Alexia in Vienna, Austria

Alexia’s Erasmus experience at FH Wien in Vienna, Austria.

Today, we interview Alexia, an ICM student from Moldova, who recently completed a semester at FH Wien in Vienna, Austria. Read on to discover her experiences, insights, and advice from her time abroad!

What was your first impression of the host country and its culture?

At first, I was impressed by the beautiful architecture of Vienna. The cultural richness and the history of the city inspired me. I experienced a cultural shock when I noticed that although Vienna is a big city it is quite slow. There are not many traffic jams and people are never in a rush.

Can you share a memorable cultural experience you had during your Erasmus stay?

My most memorable experience during my Erasmus was probably my 3-day trip to Prague. Vienna is only 4 hours away by train to Prague, so I didn’t miss the chance to travel and explore another great capital in Central Europe. I had a fun time there with my Erasmus friends and fell in love with the golden city. My favourite thing was probably the warmth and friendliness of the locals in Prague.

How was the academic environment at your host university different from Thomas More?

There were a lot of differences in the academic environment at FH Wien compared to Thomas More. Firstly, the lectures were quite long, around 3 hours, and most of my classes were in the afternoon, from 6:30PM to 9:30 PM. This was a little bit of a challenge for me at first, because I was used to having lectures early in the morning at my home university. Another thing that I noticed is that at FH Wien the classes were more theoretical with a lot of emphasis on strategy in marketing, while Thomas More is more focused on practice and creativity.

What challenges did you face while on Erasmus, and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge I faced was probably missing my friends in Belgium, especially the first months of my Erasmus. I was feeling lonely, and I had a fear of missing out on what was happening in Belgium. However, we always stayed in touch and the best part was that they all visited me in Vienna, and we had the most amazing trips together. I also made new friends in Vienna and I will stay in touch with them after my Erasmus.

How did this experience help you grow personally and academically?

I learned that I can also spend quality time alone without feeling lonely, and I started to focus more on myself and my mental health.

Looking back, what is your most cherished memory from your Erasmus experience?

My most cherished memory is probably when we used to go out during the weekend in the central area of Vienna and have dinner with my friends at this amazing Korean restaurant. It was a very nice bonding time with friends and good food.

What will you miss the most in Belgium after your Erasmus experience?

Things I will miss in Belgium after my Erasmus: having a laundry machine in my dorm and not having to go to the laundromat every time, cheaper groceries, parks in Vienna, apfelstrudel, and my Erasmus friends💜

Do you have any tips or advice for future students considering Erasmus?

Go to all the ESN events, especially in the first weeks, because you will meet a lot of new people. It might take a little bit of time to get adjusted to a new country, and you will most likely experience a lot of cultural shocks, but don’t worry because it eventually gets better after a few months. Either way, take it as a life experience and try to make the best out of it.

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